Youth and Young Adult Services offered by Multi-Service Center in Federal Way
Provides case management for youth ages 12-24 to help navigate basic needs resources as well as college and career planning assistance.
Provides case management for youth to help them navigate community resources including housing, food and transportation. Also offers help with obtaining a high school diploma or GED, college and career planning as well as internships.
Confidential Support offered by Cupcake Girls at Oregon and SWWA Branch
Provides holistic resources, after care, and information and referrals for services such as financial aid, educational and GED assistance, counseling, trauma support, and connecting clients with local medical services, legal aid, rehabilitation, safe housing, and more.
Provides confidential support to empower clients through respect, resources, and relationships. Works with clients by providing holistic resources, aftercare, information and referrals for financial aid, educational and GED assistance, counseling, trauma support, and connects clients with local medical services, legal aid, rehabilitation, safe housing, and more.
Financial Assistance offered by DSHS Community Services Office in Renton
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Parent Child Assistance Program offered by Agape Unlimited
Helps pregnant and newly parenting mothers with substance use disorders get healthy and gain independent family lives. Provides home visitation, support and transportation as part of a three-year program. Women will not be dropped from the program for relapsing.
Helps pregnant and newly parenting mothers with substance use disorders get healthy and gain independent family lives. Provides home visitation, support and transportation as part of a three-year program. Helps create personalized goals for success in recovery.
Women will not be dropped from the program for relapsing.
Health Homes offered at Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington
Health Homes assists patients with chronic conditions by providing services such as case management, care coordination, health promotion, comprehensive transitional care and follow up, individual and family support, and referral to community and social services.
Health Homes assists patients with chronic conditions by providing services such as case management, care coordination, health promotion, comprehensive transitional care and follow up, individual and family support, and referral to community and social services.
Caregiver Outreach and Support Program offered at Sound Generations
Offers free services to unpaid caregivers residing in King County who are caring for an adult 18 years old or older. Advocates help identify community resources, select the best options and assist in securing needed services. Available by home visits, phone, or email.
Services available through the Caregiver Support Program can include:
• Emergency in-home respite – a one-time award of 24 hours to be used within 30 days. Services are in 4 or 8-hour shifts and subject to approval by Crisis
Connections eligibility criteria.
• In-home, ongoing weekly respite services of up to 8 hours per week (4-hour minimum shifts), which is offered on a sliding scale. Respite can assist with
personal care such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and overall supervision.
• Up to 12 hours per month of free housekeeping and errands services (if you choose not to use respite services).
• Caregiver counseling – up to 6 free 50-minute sessions by video or phone to focus on YOU and gain emotional support, coping skills, stress
management and self-care techniques.
• Limited financial assistance to purchase items that increase care receiver independence and reduce caregiver stress (based on eligibility and funding).
• General caregiver & family consultations
• Connection to classes and support groups including Powerful Tools for Caregivers
• Referral to other community resources like Senior Centers, Meals on Wheels, Senior Rights Assistance.
Compass Day Center offered by Compass Housing Alliance at Compass Center
Operates a drop-in center for homeless adults only; NO CHILDREN allowed. Offers housing navigation, phone services, information and referral, and limited transportation help. Serves as a cooling center during hot weather.
Operates a drop-in center for homeless adults. Offers navigation assistance for housing resources and case management.
Limited bus tickets available.
Free Wi-Fi and local phone usage.
Operation meal service supplies two meals lunch and dinner M-F, Saturday dinner only.
Can sometimes offer transportation assistance to re-unite individuals to family.
A medical doctor visits the center three days per week to assist with wound care, consultation and referrals for medical care.
Serves as a cooling center during hot weather.
Also offers information and referral to assist clients in obtaining resources such as the following:
- Shelter
- Housing
- Health services
- Public benefits
Financial Assistance offered at DSHS' Goldendale Community Services Office
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Independent Living/Case Management & Advocacy offered at Central Washington Disability Resources
Assists with identifying and navigating complex social service systems, housing, transportation, preparing for employment, identifying accommodations, personal assistance management, applying for social security, benefits planning, emergency preparedness, and advocacy.
Provides independent living planning to empower people to live independently in their community. Assists with identifying and navigating complex social service systems, housing, transportation, preparing for employment, identifying accommodations, personal assistance management, applying for social security, benefits planning, and advocacy.
- Advocacy: works alongside individuals with disabilities to plan and carry out strategic approaches to influence positive change in the community. Represents and advocates for the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities in order to advance the empowerment, inclusion, and wellness of all persons with disabilities.
- Emergency Preparedness: Provides emergency preparedness for disabled individuals by creating a plans in case of a disaster. Helps with fire drills, emergency planning, connection with local EMS, and building an emergency kit.
- Assists individuals or veterans who are needing to find caregiver and helps with making sure their caregiver gets paid. Must be referred by the VA, if they are a veteran; if they are a civilian, then they'll get help finding a state-funded caregiver.
- Has a Covid -19 Advocate that works with individuals with disabilities to help them get a schedule for vaccines, as well as a covid-19 peer support group.
- Assists with Power Action Systems (PAS program), which helps individuals with disabilities be able to get modifications to their household to make it more disability accessible.
Vet Connect offered at Olympic Community Action Programs - Jefferson - VFW Post 7498
Offers information and referrals for veterans in need of rental assistance, case management, and supportive services.
A Housing program through a grant from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Rental assistance, case management and supportive services, SSVF serves qualifying veterans and their families with the goal of finding and maintaining stable housing.
Family Assistance offered at Safe Harbor Support Center
Provides resource and referrals to families in crisis, as well as clothing, diapers, toiletries/hygiene goods, and thrift store vouchers to anyone who is in need.
Provides resource and referrals to families in crisis, as well as clothing, diapers, toiletries/hygiene goods, and thrift store vouchers to anyone who is in need.
Family Development Program offered by Hopelink in Bellevue
Provides one-on-one case management for families to develop an action plan to set and meet goals in areas such as education, employment, health, housing stability, parenting and financial management.
Provides a one on one consultation with a case manager to reach goals set by clients. Focus areas may include housing search, employment and parenting.
Outreach and Housing Program offered at Capital Recovery Center - Olympia Bupe Clinic
Through a combination of outreach, drop-in and case management, OHP staff meet individuals “where they are” and assist in obtaining housing, rental assistance, financial resources, employment, behavioral health counseling and other essential needs.
Through a combination of outreach, drop-in and case management, OHP staff meet individuals “where they are” and assist in obtaining housing, rental assistance, financial resources, employment, behavioral health counseling and other essential needs.
Information and Referral/Options Counseling offered at Rural Resources Community Action in Pullman
This service provides information and connects individuals with a disability to resources within the community to stabilize independence. We help people make informed decisions regarding available resources to help maintain independent living within the community to plan for immediate and long term needs.
Rural Resources helps older adults remain as independent and self sufficient as possible through programs including:Information and assistance, Case management, Respite care, and Family Caregiver Support.
Pregnancy & Parenting Support offered by Public Health in Seattle & King County at Eastgate Health Center
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.
Offer pregnancy, post-pregnancy, breast/chestfeeding, and parenting services at public health centers across King County. Not all services offered at all locations.
Maternity Support Services (Part of First Steps):
Helps people have healthy pregnancies and recover from pregnancy. Coordinates support until the baby is two months old, and provides breast/chestfeeding support by:
- Health education and counseling.
- Regular visits in the clinic, by phone or video, or in the client’s home or community setting.
- Support beyond the doctor or midwife, including nurses, nutritionists, social workers and community health workers.
- Referrals to OB care, WIC, health insurance and other community resources.
Infant Case Management (Part of First Steps):
- Provides support and guidance from the time the baby is 2-3 months old through baby’s first birthday (for those who qualify).
- Helps clients become self-sufficient in gaining access to medical, social, educational and other services they might need.
Nurse Family Partnership:
- Partners pregnant people with registered nurses from pregnancy through their child’s 2nd birthday
- Delivers the support first-time parents need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life.
Children with Special Health Care Needs:
Public health nurses provide care coordination services through home or community visits or on the telephone. Services include:
- Developmental screenings and assessments
- Help with concerns such as feeding, nutrition, growth, development and behavior.
- Help developing and maintaining a network of services and providers.
Family Ways:
-Provides culturally relevant peer support for three community groups: Native American/Alaska Natives, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, and U.S. born Black/African Americans from pregnancy through age 5.
-Supports clients with pregnancy, parenting, community-connections and resource navigation
-Registered dietician, Social Worker, and Public Health Nurse available for consultation and coaching
Medical Services offered at Sea Mar Community Health Center - 11th St Behavioral Health Clinic
Provides medical services that are tailored to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness. Services include: Adult and family primary care, Urgent care visits, including minor procedures, and case management.
Provides medical services that are tailored to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness.
Services include:
- physical exams
- immunizations and flu shots
- acute care
- chronic disease management
- smoking cessation
- testing and treatment for tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, and other diseases,
- insurance guidance and support
- referrals to specialty care
- laboratory services and testing
- provider on-call for after-hour needs
- minor procedures: IUD placement, skin biopsy, sutures, etc.
- breast and cervical health screening, including pap smears
- family planning partner with Planned Parenthood of Western WA
- social work
- adult and family primary care
- urgent care and drop-in visits
- hospital follow-up care
- case management
- Referrals for other health services: behavioral, dental, maternity support services and WIC.
Community Housing Stability and Support offered at Bridgeways
Supportive services designed for enrolled individuals to succeed in maintaining their affordable housing.
CHSS assists low-income adults living with mental illness who are currently housed in subsidized housing through the Shelter Plus Care program, to reduce any risk of losing housing due to mental health symptoms.
Recovery Navigator Program offered by Compass Health in Friday Harbor
Provides community-based intake, assessment, connection to treatment and recovery support as well as and long-term intensive case management and recovery coaching.
Provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and recovery coaching services. Individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) or co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health conditions are referred to the program from diverse sources. Staff facilitate and coordinate connections to a broad range of community resources for youth and adults with SUD, including treatment and recovery support services.
Youth Mental Health offered at Therapeutic Health Services' Youth & Family Services Branch in Everett
Provides individual, family and group counseling and youth mental health treatment. Offers a comprehensive evaluation of mental health disorders followed by individually tailored treatments. Serves youth ages 5-20.
Provides culturally sensitive individual, family and group counseling and youth mental health treatment. Counseling happens onsite, virtually, at schools, home and/or other community settings. Also offers:
- Support Groups
- Social Skills Classes
- Case Management
Integrated Cognitive Therapies Program
Provides treatment for young people with mental health and substance use disorders. Offers a comprehensive evaluation of mental health and substance use disorders followed by individually tailored treatments.
Treats a range of substance use and psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, behavioral problems and other conditions commonly experience by those use substances. Prescribes and manages psychiatric medication and offers continuing care services for those need more support. Program includes option for family to be involved through Parent Coaching appointments and groups.
Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)
Provides intensive mental health services in a wraparound team structure for children and youth involved in more than one system. Team is comprised of significant individuals involved in the participant’s life. Team members include natural supports (family, friends, religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (counselors, nurses/doctors, schools, CPS and probation officers).
Provide access to crisis services for established patients as needed.
Options Counseling offered by Neighborhood House in Tukwila
Helps make informed choices about supports and services available in order to live independently in the community. Focuses on minority populations in Central Seattle, South Seattle & South King County. CLC referral only.
Provides guidance to individuals to help them make informed choices about supports and services in order to live independently in the community.
Works with the individual to explore options that can help them live independently longer in a manner that is safe and meaningful to them.
An Options counselor can meet with the older adult 1-on-1 to:
- Develop a personalized action plan
- Assesses and refers to additional resources
- Provides limited assistance in filling out paperwork
- Can provide limited phone-based advocacy to connect client to resources
During visit CANNOT provide: Housework ,errand running, personal care services, transportation, legal representation or advice
Support Services offered at SafeFutures Youth Center
Offers free after-school academic support and individualized plans to decrease or remove barriers to learning for youth ages 12-21 who are at moderate to high risk of academic failure. Operates a summer youth employment program.
Promote all aspects of youth development including academic engagement, leadership and social skills, community involvement, and pathways to post-secondary education and employment. Helps youth and their families build healthy futures by addressing their entire environment and breaking down barriers that hinder success.
Motivating Youth to Succeed in Academics (MYSA)
Offers free after-school academic support and individualized plans to decrease or remove barriers to learning for youth, ages 12-21, who are at moderate to high risk of academic failure. MYSA services include individual tutoring and homework assistance, adult mentorship, peer discussion groups and subject specific workshops. Since many students lack access to a computer and internet at home, SFYC provides a computer lab allowing students to complete assignments and do research. The MYSA program helps youth develop a healthy attachment to education and empowers them to take control of their academic future.
Youth Leadership program
Encourages middle and high school youth to develop leadership and social skills while engaging in community building projects and events throughout the year. This program provides alternatives to risky behavior while fostering a sense of responsibility to the community. Curriculum includes workshops relating to social justice awareness, identity building, volunteerism, and environmental awareness.
Case Management
Provides prevention and intervention tools for youth who are most at-risk of or are currently involved with gangs and the juvenile justice system. Case Managers provide counseling and act as advocates for their caseload youth and families. Case Management intervention and prevention services include street response and crisis intervention, pre-release visits to detained or incarcerated youth, and risk assessment with ongoing case management. This represents a concerted effort to stop the school to prison pipeline within our communities.
Parental Support
Provides bilingual services to parents to ensure that youth have wraparound support for their challenges. Parents benefit from workshops, translation services, and other essential services to facilitate family stability.
Summer Youth Employment
provides high school youth with the opportunity to make money, gain work experience and employment references, cultivate a mature work ethic, and stay connected to social and academic progress while school is out of session.
College & Career Preparation
Focuses on lessons and activities related to pro-social development, aptitude testing, the current job market, knowledge of education or training needed to move into a particular field of interest, college applications and financial aid, work ethics and professionalism, resume building and interview skills, and exploring paths to post-secondary education and career readiness.
Veterans Housing Options Group offered at Housing Solutions Center
Offers a recurring resource fair focused on housing issues for veterans. The resource group provides information about housing options for veterans from state and local housing programs focused on veterans.
Offers a recurring resource fair focused on housing issues for veterans. The resource group provides information about housing options for veterans from state and local housing programs from state and local resources. Housing Programs and Information and Assistance is provided by: - VA Puget Sound - Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs - Kitsap County Veterans Program - SSVF - Supportive Services for Veteran Families - KCR's Housing Solutions Center (HSC)
Pregnancy/Maternity Housing & Support offered at Road to Hope
Provides stable, secure, and nurturing residential care in a home environment for pregnant women and women with children.
Provides stable, secure, and nurturing residential care in a home environment for pregnant women and women with children. Residents may stay at any point through their pregnancy and stay up to one year after the birth of their baby. Residents have access to additional support with gaining OB/GYN care, high school/GED education completion, gaining employment, budgeting, individual counseling, advocacy and case management, developing parenting skills, and support working towards family reunification. Participation in faith-based worship service of choosing is also required.