TBI Skill Builder offered by Center on Brain Injury Research and Training
Online self-paced online trainings including courses in supporting participation for meaningful activities, understanding/responding to challenging situations/behaviors, supporting communication, using memory tools, and building positive daily routines.
Training offered at Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center
Offers a variety of conflict resolution and communication trainings including regularly scheduled community trainings open to all. Also offers custom trainings for organizations and businesses.
Conflict Coaching offered at Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center
Supports peoples’ ability to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflict. In this process, case managers will work one-on-one with a client experiencing conflict with another person.
Dispute Resolution and Mediation offered at Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center
Mediation is an opportunity for people to have conversations and come to resolutions about the things that matter most to them. Mediation is confidential, safe, and effective. PDRC has a sliding scale for mediation fees.
Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services offered at Dispute Resolution Center of Yakima and Kittitas Counties
Offers low-cost mediation in person, over the phone, and at small claims court. Mediates neighborhood problems, landlord-tenant, foreclosure, family problems/employees problems.
Professional 40-Hour Mediation Training offered at Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County
This highly interactive 40-hour training course is designed to acquaint trainees with the philosophy, model and specific skills needed in order to have a working knowledge of the role of a neutral mediator.
Training in Conflict Resolution offered at Community Mediation Center
Offers trainings of varying lengths, from 20 minutes speaking at service club meetings to a 40-hour Basic Mediator Training class. Trainings can be tailored to the needs of those being trained (workplace, family, etc.).
Dispute Resolution offered at Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County
Provides options for settling disputes voluntarily out of court. Professionally trained volunteer mediators meet with clients to assist them in reaching mutually agreeable solutions. Costs are sliding scale fees.
Conflict Management Services offered at Northwest Mediation Center
Provides comprehensive mediation services including small claims court referrals, parenting plans, rental housing mediation, and community mediation. Training offered for certification.
Offers services for women who have experienced domestic violence such as individual assessment and advocacy, counseling, life skill training and coaching, mentoring, book studies, workshops, assistance with education and employment, support groups, children’s programs, parenting training, communication and conflict resolution coaching, peer support, chiropractic care, karate classes, gym membership, and community engagement and activities.
Mediation Training and Community Education offered at Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center
Offers mediation training, conflict resolution training, and community education. Learning and practicing mediation, listening, and effective negotiation skills are beneficial for professional and personal growth and development.