Provides basic city services for Bothell residents; Bothell municipal code is on the city website.
Provides basic government services, including parks and recreation, utility billing, business permits, animal licenses, community development, and construction permits and inspections.
Bothell municipal code is on the city website.
Provides basic city services for those living within the city of Medina.
Provides basic city services for the City of Medina.
Oversees permit applications and reviews land use codes.
The city of Bellevue provides fire protection, water and sanitary sewer services to the residents of the city of Medina.
Medina City Hall is a Passport Acceptance Facility and assists with and accepts passport applications by appointment only.
Provides basic government services for city of Kirkland residents.
Provides basic government services for the city of Kirkland.
Services include permits available through website.
Extensive information about construction, land use permits and business licenses is available on this city's website.
Status of permit can be tracked online at the website.
Specific questions can be directed to the city online via the "Our Kirkland" portal or app. Passport applications are processed at City Hall.
Public Works and Building offered at City of Grandview's Public Works and Building Department
Manages the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all city-owned public infrastructure.
Manages the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all city-owned public infrastructure. Operates and maintains the City's infrastructure: wastewater treatment plant, sewer collection system, water supply and distribution system, roads and right-of-ways, storm water collection system, parks and cemetery. Provides billing for water and sewer services and payment services.
Public Works Department offered at Lincoln County Government - Public Works Department
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (buildings, water and sewer systems, roads, drainage systems, etc.) is built, repaired and maintained to support a safe, health environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (buildings, water and sewer systems, roads, drainage systems, etc.) is built, repaired and maintained to support a safe, health environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (building, water, sewer, roads, drainage system, etc.) is built, repaired, and maintained to support a safe and healthy environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (building, water, sewer, roads, drainage system, etc.) is built, repaired, and maintained to support a safe and healthy environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city's buildings, roads, and drainage systems, etc., are built, repaired, and maintained to support a safe and healthy environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city's buildings, roads, and drainage systems, etc., are built, repaired, and maintained to support a safe and healthy environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (buildings, water and sewer systems, roads, drainage systems, etc.) is built, repaired and maintained to support a safe, healthy environment.
Ensures that the physical infrastructure of the city (buildings, water and sewer systems, roads, drainage systems, etc.) is built, repaired and maintained to support a safe, healthy environment.
Planning and Community Development offered at Annex Building
Manages, oversees, and regulates development in Island County.
Manages, oversees, and regulates development in Island County. Works with homeowners, developers, businesses, and those who have some interest invested in Island County. As these groups meet, dynamic planning methods are used to plan for future land-use accommodating future population projections along with striving to maintain the ultimate goal of protecting our quality of life which often times is overlooked by jurisdictions.
Provides basic city government services for residents of the city of North Bend.
Provides basic government services for residents of the city of North Bend.
City officials include the Mayor and the City Council, who are elected at large and serve four-year terms.
Provides basic city government services for residents of Des Moines.
Provides basic city services for residents of the city of Des Moines, including building permits.
Business license and Community Development Permit packages are available on the website.
Provides basic city services including permits and licenses and Community Development Department; accepts passport applications.
Provides basic city services, including building and land use permits, notary services(no wills or real estate documents) and licenses.
This city is an authorized Passport Acceptance Facility and assists with applications for U. S. Passports.
Passport applications are accepted at City Hall.
Basic City Services offered at City of Normandy Park
Provides basic city government services for residents of the city of Normandy Park.
Manages governmental administrative, police, parks, arts, permit and planning services.
Administrative services answers questions concerning services, codes and regulations. Administers laws and regulations and provides voter registration forms and pet licensing.
Offers permit services, including building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, right-of-way, conditional use and variance permits.
Issues city business licenses.
City planning services include code enforcement, code interpretation, shoreline permit processing and building inspections.
City maps are available at a minimal cost.
For information on property tax exemptions for senior citizens and people with disabilities, please contact King County for eligibility at Senior Exemption Portal (
Registrations/Applications offered by City of Seattle's Ballard Customer Service Center
Provides applications and registration information for: neighborhood matching funds, business license tax certificates, voter registration, collision reports, property tax exemptions, and pet licenses.
Provides applications and registration information for:
- Neighborhood Matching Fund
- Business license tax certificate
- Voter registration
- Collision reports
- Property tax exemptions
- Pet licenses
Provides basic city services for those that live within the city of Renton.
Provides basic city services for the city of Renton.
The Planning/Building and Public Works Department oversees the design, construction, inspection and operation and maintenance of the city's infrastructure and land development proposals.
Reviews land use and offers building permit applications.
Neighborhood program matches city staff members with neighborhood groups to provide a contact point between the city and residents.
Interpreter services available for municipal court proceedings at city hall.
Contact city clerk for interpreter information.
Website provides updated information about Cedar River flooding.