Latinx Advisory Committee offered at Community Action of Skagit County
A committee focused on strengthening relationships among low-income Latina/o community members and finding ways to better serve their community.
A sub-committee of the Community Action Board of Directors who are committed to building and strengthening communications with the low-income Latina/o community members and finding ways that the agency can better serve the community.
Substance Abuse Prevention offered at Skagit County Public Health Department
Builds community awareness about the impact of alcohol and illicit drug abuse through informational and educational activities.
Builds community awareness about the impact of alcohol and illicit drug abuse through informational and educational activities which target children, youth and their families; Promotes collaboration between the various community groups providing prevention activities in Skagit County.
Behavioral Health offered at Skagit County Public Health Department
Represents Skagit County's interests in behavioral health services.
Assures that a full continuum of behavioral health services are available to eligible consumers. Maintains a county presence within the five county North Sound Mental Health Administration (NSMHA) to assure that Skagit County receives appropriate resources, and manages the county's behavioral health program through the Skagit County Behavioral Health Advisory Board.
Developmental Disabilities Program offered at Skagit County Public Health Department
Seeks to contract with providers who employ best practices in the field of developmental disabilities, provides contract monitoring and program planning on an ongoing basiis
Seeks to contract with providers who employ best practices in the field of developmental disabilities, provides contract monitoring and program planning on an ongoing basis, and selects providers and distributes state and local funds in collaboration with the Skagit County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board.
Policy and Oversight - Division of Aging offered at Snohomish County Human Services
Develops, maintains, and advocates for services for persons of all races/ethnic backgrounds who are age 60 or older and younger adults who are functionally disabled.
Develops, maintains, and advocates for services for persons of all races/ethnic backgrounds who are age 60 or older and younger adults who are functionally disabled.
Emergency Medical Services offered at Pierce County Department of Emergency Management
Promotes quality pre-hospital emergency patient care through; supervision of emergency medical training recommendation of EMS personnel for certification; and participation in the administration of patient care policies and procedures.
Oversees and promotes quality pre-hospital emergency patient care through:
- supervision of emergency medical training recommendation of EMS personnel for certification, recertification or decertification;
- development of patient care protocols;
- and participation in the administration of patient care policies and procedures.
SPIPA - South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency offered at South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency - Mason
Tribal chartered, non-profit consortium comprised of the Chehalis, Nisqually, Shoalwater Bay, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Tribes formed to provide planning, technical assistance, fund raising, and direct services.
Tribal chartered, non-profit consortium comprised of the Chehalis, Nisqually, Shoalwater Bay, Skokomish, and Squaxin Island Tribes formed to provide planning, technical assistance, fund raising, and direct services in response to the directives of the member Tribes and in support of each Tribe's sovereignty.
North Kitsap Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition offered at Kitsap County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Coordinates a volunteer organization formed for the purpose of mobilizing the North Kitsap community to prevent and reduce youth substance abuse in the North Kitsap School District.
Coordinates a volunteer organization formed for the purpose of mobilizing the North Kitsap community to prevent and reduce youth substance abuse in the North Kitsap School District. Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery is funding our Coalition as part of the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative which focus the limited prevention resources to communities and provide long-term support for positive community change. The strategies used to meet these goals include: * Providing a full-time Student Assistance Professional to work directly with students in the schools * Coordinating community efforts to reduce youth substance abuse * Work with existing community organizations, law enforcement, schools, governments, and the public on youth issues * Creation, Support, and Implementation of youth substance abuse prevention/positive youth developments events and programs. * Environmental prevention and positive social norms campaigns * Public education about substance abuse * Youth Mental Health First Aid training * Strengthening Families Program * Alcohol and Marijuana retailer education * Youth suicide prevention programs * Mentoring opportunities for youth
Whatcom Food Network offered at Whatcom Food Network
An organization that works to improve the food system in Whatcom County.
The Whatcom Food Network is composed of a Coordinating Team, Steering Committee, and member base that meets regularly to understand system-wide issues and increase collaboration.
Policy and Oversight - Developmental Disability offered at Snohomish County Human Services
Plans, coordinates and contracts with community agencies to provide services for persons with developmental disabilities.
Plans, coordinates and contracts with community agencies to provide services for persons with developmental disabilities. Contracted services include early support services for children birth to three, transition services for students age 18 to 21, employment support, connecting families, building inclusive communities and information and education. Works in cooperation with a citizen advisory group.
Information and Referral offered by Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Provides information and support for domestic violence survivors statewide. Website provides information on financial assistance, housing assistance, legal assistance, and connections to local DV programs.
Provides information and support for domestic violence programs statewide. Provides specialized training, consultation and publications to support domestic violence shelters and community agencies. Conducts research to promote local-level change. 74 independent member programs serve domestic violence survivors across the state.
Maintains information about private non-profit organizations and tribal agencies that have a program component that focuses on providing services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children as well as programs that receive public money and that provide shelter and/or community-based advocacy for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Bremerton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition offered at Kitsap County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Coordinates a volunteer organization formed for the purpose of mobilizing the Bremerton community to prevent and reduce youth substance abuse in the Bremerton School District.
Coordinates a volunteer organization formed for the purpose of mobilizing the Bremerton community to prevent and reduce youth substance abuse in the Bremerton School District. Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery is funding our Coalition as part of the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative which focus the limited prevention resources to communities and provide long-term support for positive community change. The strategies used to meet these goals include: * Providing a full-time Student Assistance Professional to work directly with students in the schools * Coordinating community efforts to reduce youth substance abuse * Creation, Support, and Implementation of youth substance abuse prevention/positive youth developments events and programs. * Environmental prevention and positive social norms campaigns * Public education about substance abuse * Youth Mental Health First Aid training * Strengthening Families Program * Reconnecting Youth Program * CAST (Coping and Support Training) * Alcohol and Marijuana retailer education * Youth suicide prevention programs * Mentoring opportunities for youth
Advisory Group - Aging offered at Snohomish County Human Services
The Council advises the Division of Aging and elected officials on the needs and concerns of the county's older citizens.
The Council advises the Division of Aging and elected officials on the needs and concerns of the county's older citizens. It works with the Division of Long Term Care and Aging to address special issues in the community. The Council also participates in advocacy efforts on behalf of the concerns of older adults and younger functionally disabled individuals.
Advisory Group - Developmentally Disabled offered at Snohomish County Human Services
A citizen advisory board to the Snohomish County Developmental Disabilities Division regarding the needs of persons with developmental disabilities and the funding of programs for them.
A citizen advisory board to the Snohomish County Developmental Disabilities Division. Advises and reviews issues, programs and resources as it pertains to individuals with developmental disabilities.
Washington State Office of Rural Health offered at Washington State Department of Health
Provides planning and development for improvement of health and healthcare to Washington’s rural and underserved communities.
The Washington State Office of Rural Health and Primary Care Office support health systems planning and development in Washington’s rural and underserved communities to improve health and healthcare across the life span.
Policy and Oversight - Mental Health offered at Snohomish County Human Services
Plans and coordinates local mental health programs; provides information/referral for the public; administers federal, state, and county funds, and contracts with community- based agencies to provide most services.
Plans and coordinates local mental health programs; provides information/referral for the public; administers federal, state, and county funds, and contracts with community-based agencies to provide most services.