Veteran Services offered at Vets Serving Vets - NCW
Provides assistance with housing, rent and utilities, re-employment services, VA healthcare navigation, food, information and referral, and other support services. Connects veterans to community resources to help meet their needs.
Provides assistance with housing, rent and utilities, re-employment services, VA healthcare navigation, food, information and referral, and other support services. Connects veterans to community resources to help meet their needs.
Health Benefits Explorer offered by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Offers an online web tool for veterans to learn about possible VA health care benefits for which they are eligible.
Provides an online web tool for veterans to learn which health care benefits they could receive.
Veterans answer questions online and use the eligibility calculator to receive a list of possible health care packages.
Veterans will still need to apply for enrollment to receive an official determination of enrollment benefits.
Veterans Service Office offered at Chelan County Veteran's Services Office
Offers disability compensation claim paperwork assistance, VA paperwork requesting, preparation and presentation of VA claims, VA health care referral, and assists with application to the Veteran's Assistance Fund.
Offers VA Disability and Pension application preparation, VA Burial benefits assistance, VA Health Care applications and assistance, and Chelan County Veterans Assistance Fund applications, along with all other issues related to Veterans and their families.
Health Care for Homeless Veterans offered by US Department of Veterans Affairs at Spokane VA Clinic
This program provides community outreach, case management and a range of other services to help homeless Veterans get back on their feet.
This program provides community outreach, case management and a range of other services to help homeless Veterans get back on their feet. VBA counselors from the Regional Office visit with Veterans monthly to assist them with filing pensions and disability requests.
Veterans' Assistance Program offered at Snohomish County Human Services
Staff Service Officers, familiar with the rights and concerns of veterans, provide advocacy for veterans and their families.
Staff Service Officers, familiar with the rights and concerns of veterans, provide advocacy for veterans and their families. VA benefit application forms; information regarding benefits (such as education, compensation for service-connected disabilities, pension and burial); and assistance in filing benefit claims and appeals are also provided.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families offered at HopeSource in Moses Lake
Provides support services for veterans and their families with obtaining documentation of veteran status; eviction prevention; finding housing; security benefits; navigating healthcare; Recovery Coach Program; community referrals; hygiene packs; and emergency services, such as gas or motel vouchers, license renewals, and prescription expenses.
Provides support services for veterans and their families in the Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan Counties. Services include rapid rehousing; homelessness prevention; and support in obtaining benefits, such as counseling, employment and training, educational assistance, and health care services.
Advocacy - Veteran Benefits offered at American Legion Post Number 43
Assists veterans, their families, dependents, or survivors with claims to the Veterans Administration.
Assist veterans, their families, dependents, or survivors with claims to the Veterans Administration. Assists with filing, maintaining, or appealing Veterans Administration claims/decisions. Assists in acquiring DD-214 forms.
Hospital Services offered at Naval Hospital Bremerton
This is the principle Naval health care facility in the area providing inpatient/outpatient services for eligible personnel. The facility provides primary care along with a wide range of specialty services including 24-hour urgent care.
This is the principle Naval health care facility in the area providing primarily outpatient services for eligible personnel. The facility provides comprehensive primary care along with a wide range of specialty services including urgent care. Additional services include: - TRICARE information assistance - Medical social work - Expansive health promotions program - Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Immunization Clinic, General Surgery, Main Operating Room, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Outpatient Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedic, Ears/Nose/Throat, Oral Surgery, Ophthalmology, Radiology, Laboratory, case management, referral services and more...