Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors offered by Seattle Fire Department at Headquarters
Provides and installs carbon monoxide and smoke alarms free for city of Seattle homeowners who identify as a senior, low-income or have a disability. This program offers includes strobe alarms for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Provides and installs free smoke detectors to qualified individuals.
Washington state requires carbon monoxide detectors in all existing residences, including apartments, condos, hotels, dormitories and residential institutions.
Smoke Alarm Installation offered by American Red Cross Southwest Washington Chapter
A trained Red Cross volunteer will install a smoke alarm in the home, review a fire safety and home hazard checklist, and provide information about creating a fire escape plan.
The Sound the Alarm campaign aims to reduce death and injury by installing smoke alarms in homes for those in need. A trained Red Cross volunteer will install a smoke alarm in the home, review a fire safety and home hazard checklist, and provide information about creating a fire escape plan. The American Red Cross also offers specialized bedside alarms for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical Aid offered by City of Yakima's Fire Department Headquarters
Provides fire protection, emergency medical aid, and rescue services.
Provides fire suppression and investigation, emergency medical aid and rescue, hazardous materials response, technical rescue, water rescue and aircraft firefighting, and rescue services to the City of Yakima. Provides blood pressure screenings and installs smoke detectors for families that cannot afford them.
Community and Safety Services offered at East Pierce Fire and Rescue
Provides fire protection, prevention, and emergency medical services to East Pierce County residents. Also offers CPR, first aid and babysitting classes. Provides free smoke alarm installation, free car seat inspections. Please see details.
Offers CPR, first aid, information on using fire extinguishers and Safe Sitter classes.
Those living within the fire district boundaries can receive free fire alarm installation and free car seat inspections.
Also provides bike helmets and life jackets at a lower cost.
Those unable to purchase a life jacket may be able to get a loaner life jacket for the day.
To get the loaner life jackets, visit the district office or one of the kiosks in Alan York Park, or Pierce County Lake Tapps Park.
Service area covers Bonney Lake, Sumner, Lake Tapps, South Prairie, Edgewood, Milton and the Ridge communities.
Education and Prevention Services offered at Thurston County Fire District #3 Lacey Fire District - Headquarters
Offers many programs and provides information on how to reduce and prevent injuries and emergencies. Programs include smoke alarm inspection and helmet fittings.
Offers many programs and provides information on how to reduce and prevent injuries and emergencies.
Will provide home visits to make sure that all smoke alarms and detectors are in working order and mounted properly. Also will install and replace batteries when needed.
Will provide helmets and custom fittings at headquarters.
Provides child passenger safety seat installations and inspections. Call headquarters to schedule an appointment.
Offers a SeniorSafe@Home Program that conducts a safety assessment inside and outside of the participant's home to identify and resolve potential fire and fall risks before they happen.
Sound the Alarm offered by American Red Cross South Puget Sound and Olympics Chapter
Offers a yearly campaign throughout the Northwest that installs free smoke alarms in homes that don't have them, and educates people about home fire safety.
Offers a yearly campaign throughout the Northwest that installs free smoke alarms in homes that don't have them, and educates people about home fire safety.
Community Services offered at West Pierce Fire and Rescue Station 20
Provides a free smoke alarm program that replaces or installs smoke alarms. Provides CPR and First Aid classes, Safe Sitter classes and more. Also provides child passenger safety checks.
Provides a free smoke alarm program that replaces or installs smoke alarms. Provides CPR and First Aid classes, Safe Sitter classes and more. Also provides child passenger safety checks.
Smoke Alarm Installation offered at City of Spokane Fire Department
The City of Spokane Fire Department provides and installs smoke alarms for free in qualifying homes. Smoke alarms don't last forever. If your smoke alarms are 10 years old or older you need new alarms.
The City of Spokane Fire Department provides and installs smoke alarms for free in qualifying homes. Smoke alarms don't last forever. If your smoke alarms are 10 years old or older you need new alarms.
zzz Smoke Alarm Program offered at Spokane Valley Fire Department
SVFD offers free smoke alarm installations to all residents in our service area. In as little as 30 minutes, we’ll evaluate current fire safety conditions in your home including smoke alarms, fire hazards, carbon monoxide (CO) detectors and more. Registeration required.
SVFD offers free smoke alarm installations to all residents in our service area. In as little as 30 minutes, we’ll evaluate current fire safety conditions in your home including smoke alarms, fire hazards, carbon monoxide (CO) detectors and more.
Fire Services offered by City of Camas at Camas/Washougal Fire Department
Fire fighting services and emergency medical services for the City of Camas. The fire department offers assistance with placement of detectors in the home. Also offers free blood pressure screening on site.
Firefighting services and emergency medical services. The fire department offers assistance with placement of smoke detectors in the home. Offers blood pressure screenings on site.
Community Services offered at South Bay Fire Department - Station 8-1
Provides community services like smoke alarm inspection, fire permits, and blood pressure checks in the Johnson Point, North Olympia and South Bay areas in northern Thurston County.
Installs and checks smoke alarms for households in the service area.
Will order and install home address markers.
Community Affairs offered by South King Fire & Rescue's Station 62 & Headquarters
Distributes free smoke detectors and CO alarms to low income senior citizens or families who live within the fire jurisdiction. Installs detectors and batteries if needed. Helps seniors reduce their risk of falling.
Distributes free smoke detectors and CO alarms with batteries to area residents in need.
The fire department will install detectors and batteries for those who are unable to do so themselves.
Fall Prevention
Educators visit homes to do a safety survey. They provide education on the reasons why falls happen and give ideas on how to reduce injuries at home. They can also install risk reduction devices.