Homeless Liaison offered at Raymond School District
Provides homeless families and students, including unaccompanied youth, services to help youth stay in school.
May be able to provides homeless families and students, including unaccompanied youth, the following services:
*Assistance with school registration, even if the family or student is missing documentation such as birth certificate and immunization records.
*Automatic free lunch and breakfast if available, without the need to fill out that particular form.
*Assistance with keeping the student in the same school, even after moving, sometimes even if the move is to another school district.
*Assistance with transportation to and from school in the form of school buses, gas vouchers, or city bus passes.
*Free school supplies if needed.
*Free school clothes if needed.
*Referrals to other services as needed.
These services continue through the end of the school year in which homelessness ends.
Youth and Young Adult Drop-In Center offered by YouthCare at University District Youth Center
Operates a drop-in center for youth ages 13-22; provides case management, food, clothing, showers, laundry, hygiene items and bus tickets. Also provides substance abuse counseling. Serves as a youth cooling center.
Operates a drop-in center for homeless and street-involved youth and young adults. Provides clients:
- Food
- Clothing (including winter items)
- Showers
- Laundry
- Hygiene supplies
- King County Metro bus tickets
Also offers on-site case management, which helps youth obtain:
- Medical care
- Mental health counseling
- Housing
- Other basic needs services
Provides food, clothing, diapers, showers, hygiene items, pet food, laundry facilities, bus fare, and temporary mailing addresses. Advocates are available to help connect individuals to community resources.
Provides food, clothing, diapers, showers, hygiene items, pet food, laundry facilities, bus fare, and temporary mailing addresses. Advocates are available to help connect individuals to community resources. Offers limited financial assistance in obtaining ID, storage fees, utility and phone bills, and rental applications. Also, provides outdoor gear when available. No overnight shelter or rental assistance.
Learning and Earning Education offered at You Medical
Earn maternity and baby items by participating in weekly education sessions.
Provides education on different topics, such as pregnancy, parenting skills, life skills, and spiritual growth for parents of babies under one year of age or those expecting a baby. Attendance allows them to earn baby and maternity items.
Family Assistance Program offered at Operation First Response
Provides emergency financial assistance to wounded military personnel, veterans and their families, and first responders from the onset of injury or illness throughout their recovery period. Referral required.
Provides emergency financial assistance to wounded military personnel, disabled veterans, and their families, and first responders from the onset of injury or illness throughout their recovery period.
Assistance is provided in the form of checks paid directly to vendors/service providers.
Financial assistance varies, based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, and travel expenses.
Services are subject to funds available at the time of request.
Offers basic needs services such as hot meals, pantry food, shower, laundry, clothing, and hygiene supplies, as well as case management for youth ages 13-24.
Offers basic needs services such as hot meals, pantry food, shower, laundry, clothing, hygiene supplies, and use of a landline phone for youth, 13-24 years of age. Provides direct case management services to youth and young adults ages 13-24. Assists with are obtaining identifying documents, life skills training, job searching, food handlers card, move-in assistance, and more. Case manager is mobile and can meet the young person at various locations, such as parks, schools, gas stations, encampments, convenience stores, or any public location.
Homeless Liaison offered at North Mason School District
Provides homeless families and students, including unaccompanied youth, services to help youth stay in school.
May be able to provides homeless families and students, including unaccompanied youth, the following services: *Assistance with school registration, even if the family or student is missing documentation such as birth certificate and immunization records. *Automatic free lunch and breakfast if available, without the need to fill out that particular form. * Assistance with keeping the student in the same school, even after moving, sometimes even if the move is to another school district. * Assistance with transportation to and from school in the form of school buses, gas vouchers, or city bus passes. * Free school supplies if needed. * Free school clothes if needed. * Referrals to other services as needed. These services continue through the end of the school year in which homelessness ends.
Offers Case/Care management emergency food (when the other food pantries are closed or in an emergency), general clothing from a small closet, bus tickets for transportation assistance and laundry services.
Offering community access for people who are rent burdened need resources such as clothing, transportation assistance, and free laundry. Those who are experiencing behavioral health challenges need a welcoming place that can provide health service referrals and advocacy. Folks who are living outside need a refuge where they are warmly welcomed and can access food and hygiene supplies, etc.
Free Community Meals offered at Cashmere Community Church
Provides free community meals for individuals of all ages who are in need. Also offers free non-food items, such as toiletries.
Provides free community meals for individuals of all ages who are in need. Also offers free non-food items, such as toiletries, paper products, feminine products, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, diapers, etc.
Public Benefits offered by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services in Stevenson
Administers the Basic Food (SNAP) program, medical programs (for seniors and adults with disabilities), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Administers the Basic Food (SNAP) program, medical programs (for seniors and adults with disabilities), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), including the Diaper Related Payment benefit. Website offers a program prescreening tool to help estimate eligibility. Also offers emergency medical programs, food assistance, and one-time cash payments to get or keep safe housing or utilities or for fleeing domestic violence.
Diaper Related Payment benefit: $100 monthly using the same payment method (EBT, EFT or warrant).
DSHS partners with Washington 211 (Greater Columbia 211) to help complete SNAP applications and recertifications.
Food Bank/Baby Cupboard offered by Multi-Service Center in Federal Way
Operates food pantry and baby cupboard with formula for anyone in need; special no-cook food bags are available for homeless individuals.
Provides supplemental and emergency food to individuals and families; special no-cook options are available for those experiencing homelessness.
Also provides formula, cereal, baby food and diapers for infants as available.
Clothing and Household Goods offered at St. Francis House
Provides clothing for men, women and children. Also may provide small household items and personal care items as available. In-person service only.
Distributes clothing (Seasonal, Winter), small household items.
Clients may receive assistance once every 30 days for clothing and once every six months for other household items.
Number of items received is limited to reasonable household needs, at the discretion of St. Francis House staff.
Clothing provided is for men, women and children.
Availability of items varies depending on donation levels.
Food and Clothing Bank offered at Adventists Community Services Center
Offers a food and clothing bank to those in need. Donations and volunteers gladly accepted.
Offers a food and clothing bank to those in need. The food and clothing bank are supported by the proceeds from the thrift store. Donations and volunteers gladly accepted.
Diaper Bank offered at Family Resource Center - Hilltop
Provides diapers to Pierce County families in need of them. Families receive 30-40 diapers, or an individual pack, per child that needs diapers.
Service is provided once a month. Call for an appointment. Extension 119.
Provides diapers to Pierce County families in need of them.
Families receive 30-40 diapers (usually closer to 30), or an individual pack, per child that needs diapers.
Service is provided once a month.
Providers can also get diapers for their clients.
All locations will accept the physical donations of diapers.
Monetary donations to use to purchase diapers can be made at https://www.pcecn.org/diaper-bank
Clothing/Household Items offered by St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle King County
Provides beds, clothing and other household items through local neighborhood chapters either from their inventory, from a clothing bank or with a voucher to a SVDP thrift store. Not all chapters help with furniture or beds.
Provides vouchers to a St. Vincent de Paul thrift store.
Provides beds through select neighborhood chapters in King County.
Some restrictions and/or limits may apply.
Not all areas of King County are served by a chapter not all existing neighborhood chapters provide help with furniture or beds.