Home Help and Companionship offered by Eastside Friends of Seniors
Home Help and Companionship offered by Eastside Friends of Seniors
Volunteers provide the following for seniors who are living on their own: - Yardwork - Minor home maintenance - Companionship - "Friendly visiting" - Light housekeeping - Telephone Buddy
Physical Address
22818 Southeast 8th Street, Sammamish, WA 98074
Service hours vary depending on availability of volunteers. .
Application process
Call or email. Clients must request services themselves; if initial request originates from third party, it must be followed up by a request directly from the potential client. As part of application process, agency will visit the client in the home to assess for services.
Clients must be: - Adults ages 60 and older living in the area served (Issaquah or Sammamish). - Living on their own and not in a supportive setting (e. g. , nursing home, assisted living center or adult day home) - Able to be transported by volunteers, including having sufficient mobility to get in and out of a vehicle on their own - Able to understand program, including arranging and remembering scheduled services - Able to self-manage personal hygiene - Safe at home and in the community (for example, client does not "wander," does not have continual problems with falling, etc. ) - Living in ZIP codes 98074, 98075, 98027 or 98029.
Agency info
Eastside Friends of Seniors
Supports older adults living independently with transportation to essential appointments, housework, yardwork, errands and companionship through the work of volunteers.