
Foreclosure Prevention Unit FPU offered by Northwest Justice Project's King County Office

Foreclosure Prevention Unit FPU offered by Northwest Justice Project's King County Office

Provides legal information/advice, assistance and representation for low and moderate income homeowners threatened with foreclosure of their primary residence. Assists with judicial and non-judicial foreclosures.    May provide assistance with: -  Loan modifications (RMA assistance and negotiation with mortgage lender) -  Mediation, which may include referrals and representation -  Litigation


M-F, 8am-6pm.

Application process

Call anytime to leave a message.   Message should include name, phone number, deadlines and notices received. Calls are returned within 48 business hours of receiving message, typically between 1-5pm.   Clients who prefer to communicate in ASL by video phone should also be referred to CLEAR*ASL.


Homeowners under 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. Household size should include (only if they live in the household): -  The client who called -  The client's spouse or partner-with-whom-they-share-a-child (unless that person is an opposing party) -  Minor children for whom the client or spouse/partner as above is the primary care provider (over whom they intend to retain some custody) -  18 year-old adult children who are still in high school may be counted as an additional adult Income should include all sources of income which the client controls or has access to, prior to any garnishment or taxation. garnishment or taxation. Cannot assist clients already represented by an attorney for this issue.




Interpreter services

Agency info

Northwest Justice Project

Provides free legal advice and representation to low-income residents of Washington state. Specializes in housing, family, health, public benefits, consumer and education law. Family law cases are limited to those involving domestic violence or child abuse. Programs include the Native American Unit,  Cross Cultural Family Law Clinic, Seattle Domestic Violence Project, and a legal information website: www.washingtonlawhelp.org.