
Washington Developmental Disabilities Ombuds/ Complaints offered at Disability Rights Washington

Washington Developmental Disabilities Ombuds/ Complaints offered at Disability Rights Washington

The DD Ombuds reviews complaints on behalf of people with developmental disabilities who receive state services. Complaints may relate to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or the quality of, or access to services.   The DD Ombuds provides general rights information for those who use DD services.    DD Ombuds services include: -  Information or referral. -  Tips or ideas for an individual to resolve an issue at the lowest level possible. -  Informal resolution of complaints on behalf of an individual, group, or in response to observations of the DD Ombuds. -  Monitoring facilities or residences, which includes record review and witness interviews. -  Advocacy on behalf of an individual or group to resolve a complaint. -  Data collection of non-identifying information and statistics, to recommend service improvements to the State Legislature, Governor, and service systems.


315 5th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104


Voicemail only.

Application process

Call or visit website and fill out complaint form. The DD Ombuds reviews each complaint to determine next steps. The DD Ombuds will review, but may not investigate, every complaint. If the DD Ombuds determines that it needs more information, someone from the DD Ombuds will follow up with client if they have provided sufficient contact information.


People who have developmental disabilities (DD) and are receiving services from the state are eligible for services from the DD Ombuds.




Interpreter services

Agency info

Disability Rights Washington

Provides services statewide for individuals with disabilities, including mental illness. Services offered include information and referral, limited legal assistance, training, publications and systems advocacy.