
Crime Prevention offered by Spokane Community Oriented Policing Services at Neva-Wood

Crime Prevention offered by Spokane Community Oriented Policing Services at Neva-Wood

Works along side Spokane Police to help mediate neighborhood issues, facilitate block watch programs, provide Operation Family ID and organize National Night Out Against Crime. Registers bicycles so if a resident's bicycle gets stolen and recovered it can be returned to them. Works to resolve code enforcement issues such as - Graffiti - Overgrown weeds that present a fire hazard - RVs parked out front - Abandoned vehicles on the street - Junk vehicles on a neighbor’s property - Garbage on a neighbor’s property - Nuisance houses

Physical Address

4705 North Addison Street, Spokane, WA 99207

Application process

Call, visit website or visit in person.




Resident of the neighborhood

Service area

99207 99208 99217 99218

Agency info

Spokane Community Oriented Policing Services

Provides community policing services to the neighborhoods of Spokane through volunteerism.