
Vital Statistics / Birth and Death Certificates offered at Yakima Health District

Vital Statistics / Birth and Death Certificates offered at Yakima Health District

Issues certified copies of birth and death certificates for persons born and who have died in Yakima County.

Physical Address

1210 Ahtanum Ridge Drive, Union Gap, WA 98903


M W Th F, 8:30am-4:30pm Tu, 9:30am-4:30pm.

Application process

Download application at http://www.yakimapublichealth.org or fill out application at the Health District.


$20 for a copy of either birth or death certificate; cash and check only. Credit cards and debit cards are accepted but there is a service fee to use cards.


Those living in Yakima County.



Service area

Yakima, WA

Agency info

Yakima Health District

Public Health Agency