
Preschool (Ages 3-4) offered at Mountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks

Preschool (Ages 3-4) offered at Mountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks

Preschool program activities include creative expression through art, movement, dramatic play and language opportunities, hands-on math and science experiences, arts and crafts projects, community field trips, and enhancement opportunities that include dance and/or swimming.

Physical Address

5303 228th St SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043


Tu Th, 9:30am-12:30pm.

Application process





Age 3 by August 31st.

Agency info

Mountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks

Provides the following recreational opportunities:  Neighborhood parks and playfields; aquatics; arts and crafts; field trips; dance; athletics; day camps; safety;  cardio room; fitness programs; softball/basketball/volleyball leagues;  specialty programs; after-school programs; youth camps; summer teams; pre-school camps; and much more.