Independent Living Services offered at Center for Independence - Lakewood
Independent Living Services offered at Center for Independence - Lakewood
Services for people with disabilities include peer support, individual and systemic advocacy, independent living skills training, information and referral to community resources, and de-institutionalization. CFI is also involved in community activities that address the civil and equal rights of people with disabilities. There is a transition program for youth ages 14-24 which focuses on living independently, continuing education and vocational goals.
Physical Address
7801 Bridgeport Way Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499
M-F, 9am-5pm
Application process
Call for more information.
Fees are charged to other agencies for contract work. Free to participants.
Must be a person with a disability.
Service area
Thurston, WA King, WA Pierce, WA
Agency info
RE-ADD Center for Independence
Provides quality services to assist people with disabilities to increase independence in the home and community. Core services include Peer support; Information and Referral; Individual and systemic advocacy; Independent Living Skills Training; and Transition services. Transition includes working with youth to transition through high school and beyond; assisting people with disabilities from institution and into the community; as well as helping people with disabilities to not be institutionalized.