
Landlord/Tenant Information and Services offered by Tenants Union of Washington State

Landlord/Tenant Information and Services offered by Tenants Union of Washington State

Provides information on landlord-tenant laws and legal rights and options for tenants with immediate housing problems, including eviction. One-on-one counseling is available. Assists in organizing groups of tenants to bring about landlord compliance with the Landlord/Tenant Act and existing housing codes. Provides community education on tenant issues, advocates for tenants' rights and offers referrals for rent assistance. Does not provide legal counsel, but does provide referrals to appropriate counsel.


5425 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118


Phone: M-W-F, 10am-4pm(break: 12:30-1:30pm) T+Th, 10am-12:30pm. Spanish-only hotline Tuesdays 1:30-4pm and Wednesdays 3-6pm. Complete online intake form 24 hours daily.

Application process

Complete online intake form or call statewide tenant rights hotline at 206-723-0500 during normal hours of operation (please note we have a VERY high call volume and wait times can be long) Clients should have all documentation they have about their rental, including lease, eviction notice, move-in check list and all correspondence between landlord and tenant. Online Intake form: https://tenantsunion.org/tenant-counseling-intake-form


Tenants in Washington state.


Free. Membership and donations are encouraged. Membership: Sliding scale fee is $1 per thousand of annual income. Membership with the Tenants Union is FREE and members are defined as people who: Share the Tenants Union’s values and vision for housing justice according to our Principles of Unity; Plan to contribute time, money and/or expertise to the work of the Tenants Union; and Would like to identify as a member.


Interpreter services


Agency info

Tenants Union of Washington State

Phone hotline and drop-in service provides information on landlord-tenant laws to tenants with housing problems or to discuss strategies to prevent housing loss. Organizes tenant-led grassroots campaigns in order to win concrete improvements in living conditions, and to challenge unjust housing policies and practices.