Senior Center offered at Morton Senior Center
Senior Center offered at Morton Senior Center
Provides exercise, activities, games, trips and more to seniors in the Morton area. Exercise classes may have lower impact, or help with balance. Some classes, like quilting, may be open to those 18 and older.
Physical Address
103 Westlake Avenue, Morton, WA 98356
Office/Activity Center: M-F, 9am-3pm
Application process
Drop-in or call for more information.
People can also call to ask about any special events/pricing.
Most activities and lunches are for adults 60 and older. In the case of married couples where one spouse is over 60, and the other is under 60, both spouses can attend. Also, adults with disabilities that live with their senior parents may attend.
Agency info
Morton Senior Center
Provides activities and nutritious meals to area seniors.