Classes offered at Burlington Senior Center
Classes offered at Burlington Senior Center
Provides a variety of classes in categories such as physical fitness, recreation, arts/crafts, and education. Classes vary from quarter to quarter, but generally include the following: Tai Chi; genealogy; financial planning workshops; tole painting; watercolor painting; basic drawing and other art classes; Spanish language; computer classes and natural history classes (e.g., geology, marine ecology). Classes are open to all ages (10-110).
Physical Address
1011 Greenleaf Avenue, Burlington, WA 98233
M-F, 8am-4pm.
Application process
Call or visit in person.
Call for fee schedule.
Agency info
Burlington Senior Center
Provides classes, speakers, entertainment, a weekly weight loss group, exercise, lunches and referral to other senior services. Periodic health services include flu shots, foot care, and blood pressure checks.