Educational Services offered at STAR of Seattle
Educational Services offered at STAR of Seattle
Provides periodic group classes and one-on-one training with community volunteers on basic computer instruction. Topics include: - MS Office - Email - Web browsing Provides assistive technology training including: - Screen reader software - Magnifier software - Voice-dictation Helps troubleshoot individual devices such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones.
Physical Address
2600 South Walker Street, Seattle, WA 98144
Lab hours: Tu, 1-5pm.
Application process
Visit in person. Brief paperwork required. Call for more information.
None for general use of the computer and the internet. Some classes have fees.
No restrictions; children must be accompanied by an adult. Focuses on helping those whose disability inhibits their use of a computer, such as those with physical, hearing and visual impairments.
Agency info
STAR of Seattle
Community technology center offers 12 computer stations featuring accessibility computer equipment and software to people with disabilities or problems using conventional computers. The following are examples of software for people with visual impairments: - JAWS screen reading software - Windows Eyes screen reading software - A braille embosser - "ZoomText" software that enlarges and enhances everything on the screen - "Dragon Naturally Speaking" speech recognition software