Evergreen Branch - Everett Library offered at Everett Public Library Evergreen Branch
Evergreen Branch - Everett Library offered at Everett Public Library Evergreen Branch
Provides library services including: Storytimes, crafts, and puppet shows for children; book, magazine, video, CD, books-on-a-tape, and large print material check-out; home study; consumer information; and a reference department. Study rooms. Bookable meeting rooms. Quiet room. Public access to the internet.
Physical Address
9512 Evergreen Way, Everett, WA 98204
Tu Th, 10am-8pm W-F, 10am-6pm.
Application process
Visit in person.
Service area
Snohomish, WA
Agency info
Everett Public Library
A public library which provides basic lending services for a variety of materials and media, including ebooks and other downloadable content; maps; career and employment information; large print books; auditorium and meeting rooms for public use; audio books; NW History and Photo File; Wifi, public computers for Internet access and word processing. Telephone Reference for quick information; info/referral to community agencies, and more. The library has two locations, the Main Library and the Evergreen Branch.