Housing Services offered at Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Housing Services offered at Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Provides comprehensive rental and ownership housing counseling services, certified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Counseling services address topics of delinquency and landlord/tenant mediation; and financial planning and pre-purchase. Also provides general information about HUD-subsidized programs, insurance and fair housing. Additionally, offers a foreclosure prevention program that combines mortgage, reverse mortgage and pre-foreclosure counseling, stabilization loans and repayment plans, to help low-income families in danger of losing their homes. Rather than being forced into a sale by the mortgage holder and thus forfeiting their equity, program offers borrowers two alternative options: avoiding default by working through a repayment plan to stay in their home, or gaining enough time to sell their homes on their own terms. Provides foreclosure mediation services as part of the Foreclosure Fairness Program.
Physical Address
105 14th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122
M-F, 9am-5pm.
Application process
Call for more information.
Low- and moderate-income tenants and homeowners.
Agency info
Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Provides HUD-certified housing counseling on delinquency and landlord/tenant mediation; preparing homebuyers with financial planning and pre-purchase counseling. Offers a foreclosure prevention program that combines mortgage and pre-foreclosure counseling, stabilization loans and repayment plans. Provides employment services through workshops and case management. Also offers a workshop for individuals with a criminal record and provides information regarding the expungement process.