In-Kind Donations Service offered at DESC's Rainier House
In-Kind Donations Service offered at DESC's Rainier House
Accepts donations of in-kind items to give to both housed and unhoused clients. Accepted donations include the following: - Adult clothing - Hygiene items - Microwaves, blenders, fans - Dishes, pots, pans, silverware, cooking utensils - Twin size bedding - Sleeping bags or tents - Non-expired, shelf-ready food that does not need to be refrigerated Items always needed: - Men’s cut pants - Men’s cut coats - Women’s cut plus-sized clothing - Menstrual hygiene products - Coffee (beans or ground) - Sleeping bags and tents - New adult-sized socks and underwear (in packaging) Items NOT accepted include the following: - Furniture (including office or bedroom furniture) - Home décor - Books - Pet items - Perishable or expired food - Medicines of any kind - Children’s clothing or toys
Physical Address
5270 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118
M-F, 9am-4pm.
Application process
Email to arrange a time to drop off the gifts, or to find out of your items are accepted.
No restrictions.
Agency info
Provides four major types of services: comprehensive outpatient mental health and substance use disorder clinical and medical services; behavioral health crisis and outreach services; enhanced homeless shelters/emergency housing; and permanent supportive housing. Specializes in serving adults living with serious behavioral health conditions, co-occurring disorders and polysubstance use, and longtime experiences of homelessness and trauma.