Education Program offered by Lifetime Learning Center at Lake City Presbyterian Church
Education Program offered by Lifetime Learning Center at Lake City Presbyterian Church
Offers approximately 30-40 classes per 8-week quarter on various subjects, including exercise, cultural issues, humanities, creative arts, community services, and issues of retirement and wellness.
Physical Address
3841 Northeast 123rd Street, Seattle, WA 98125
M-Th, 9am-3pm.
Application process
Registration forms are available on the web and through email mailing list. Complete the registration form electronically.
Registration fee: $20 per regular quarter. Class fees: $40 each. Summer class fees reduced due to shorter session. Scholarships are be available.
Adults, primarily ages 50 and older, but any interested older adults are welcome to register.
Agency info
Lifetime Learning Center
Offers classes for older adults on various subjects including exercise, cultural issues, humanities, creative arts, community services, and issues of retirement and wellness.