Housing and Case Management for Homeless Households offered at Lydia Place
Housing and Case Management for Homeless Households offered at Lydia Place
Permanent Supportive Housing; Pairs permanent, income-based rental subsidies with long-term case management to create a comprehensively supportive housing program. Case management is required for the length of time that the client is their unit. Provides 70 designated PSH apartment units for families with children, in partnership with the Bellingham Housing Authority. Emergency Hotel Stays; Offers emergency motel stays to vulnerable families with young children. This is an expensive option for emergency shelter, but it has been necessary as there is not enough emergency shelter for families currently available in Whatcom County.
Physical Address
1701 Gladstone Street, Bellingham, WA 98229
Drop-in Intake: M-F, 10am-4pm.
Application process
Complete a Coordinated Entry intake at Opportunity Council to be placed in the housing interest pool.
Clients must be homeless, at or below state poverty level, and must qualify for services through the Community Resource Center at Opportunity Council.
Agency info
Lydia Place
The mission of Lydia Place is to disrupt the cycle of homelessness and promote sustained independence for current and future generations.