Scouting Programs offered at Boy Scouts Cascade Pacific Council
Scouting Programs offered at Boy Scouts Cascade Pacific Council
Scouting programs for youth. Cub Scout programs focus on family-centered activities, including crafts, physical fitness, and character development. Scouts BSA programs build cooperation skills, self-esteem, and life skills with camping and service activities. Varsity Scouting uses a team approach involving high adventure and sports. Venturing and Sea Scouts for older youth (both male and female) focus on building leadership skills using high adventure activities.
Physical Address
2145 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201
M-F 10am-4pm, closed on federal holidays
Application process
Call or visit website for information
Varies by service
Cub Scouts: Grades K-5, Scouts BSA: Ages 11-17, Explorers: Ages 14-20, Venturing and Sea Scouts: Co-ed ages 14-20.
Interpreter services
American Sign Language
Agency info
Boy Scouts Cascade Pacific Council
Scouting programs for youth.