Home Buyer Education and Purchase Assistance offered at HomeSight
Home Buyer Education and Purchase Assistance offered at HomeSight
Offers education workshops on home ownership strategies for people purchasing a home. Also provides purchase assistance to future homebuyers. Interpreter services may be available for counseling appointments upon request.
Physical Address
4219 South Othello Street, Seattle, WA 98118
Office: M-F, 9am-5pm. Class times vary.
Application process
Create an account on website to sign up for programs.
Workshops: - $10 refundable registration fee for in-person classes or $50 online classes. - LIFT and Project Reinvest: $50 in-person classes. Home Purchase Assistance: - Availability based on locality, homebuyer status and household income.
Education workshops open to all homebuyers. Purchase assistance open to low- to moderate-income homebuyers.
Interpreter services
Agency info
Offers home buyer education classes, counseling and purchase assistance loans to first time buyers. Promotes the revitalization of neighborhoods through affordable home ownership strategies.