Recovery resources offered by Alcoholics Anonymous' Greater Seattle Intergroup
Recovery resources offered by Alcoholics Anonymous' Greater Seattle Intergroup
Offers 12-step support groups for alcoholics. Includes gender separate meetings, as well as special groups for Native Americans, Spanish speakers and those who identify as LGBTQ. Some meetings have interpreters for individuals who are hard of hearing. Potential members should call to be matched to the nearest group. PUBLICATIONS: - Guides listing all AA meetings may be picked up at the Seattle or Eastside offices. - To receive a meeting guide by mail, send a self-addressed envelope and $1 to the same address. GENERAL AA MEETINGS: - More than 1,300 weekly groups are held in all cities in King County. - Call for updated addresses and times.
Physical Address
5507 6th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108
Hotline: 24 hours daily.
Application process
Call, visit website or visit in person.
No dues or fees for AA membership. Donations accepted from AA members only.
Those who desire to quit drinking.
Agency info
Alcoholics Anonymous' Greater Seattle Intergroup
Offers 12-step support groups for alcoholics. There are some special interest groups Including gender separate meetings, groups for Native Americans, Spanish speakers and those who identify as LGBTQ. Some meetings have interpreters for individuals who are hard of hearing.