Orthodontic Services offered at Smiles Change Lives
Orthodontic Services offered at Smiles Change Lives
Coordinates a network of orthodontist partners that will provide essential orthodontic services, such as braces, to low-income children. Targets children who have moderate-to-severe misalignment of teeth or jaw.
Physical Address
2405 Grand Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64108
Tu-F, 1-3pm, CST.
Application process
Call or visit website to request an application or apply online, or email with questions about the application process. Calls must be made only during phone hours. Voicemail messages left outside of the designated phone hours cannot be returned. Visit website for Provider Directory to see if there is a treatment provider in your area. Once application has been received, the applicant will be added to the screening list to await a program opening.
$30 nonrefundable application fee. If approved, the family must be willing to pay $650 toward program participation.
Children ages 7-18 (application must be received before child's 19th birthday) of age who: - Have good oral hygiene and no unfilled cavities - Have a moderate to severe need for braces - Are not currently wearing braces - Family must meet the SCL financial guidelines (varies by geographic location)
Service area
Agency info
Smiles Change Lives
Promotes and provides access to life-changing, essential orthodontic treatment for children from low-income families.