
Diversion Program offered at Catholic Charities Serving Central WA in Wenatchee

Diversion Program offered at Catholic Charities Serving Central WA in Wenatchee

Provides a community-based program with the goal to reduce the number of individuals with mental illness that are currently incarcerated pending a forensic evaluation. Provides active outreach services to Chelan-Douglas law enforcement agencies and area jails in contact with individuals in need of support or services. The goal is to prevent incarceration, by providing access to mental health care, which includes crisis follow-up and crisis response, post-booking diversion, and support transitioning out of the jail.

Physical Address

145 South Worthen Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process



Call for more information.


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Agency info

Catholic Charities Serving Central WA in Wenatchee

Catholic Charities Serving Central Washington provides help and creates hope for thousands of people each year regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds. Though serving the outreach efforts of the Diocese of Yakima, Catholic Charities is a separate 501(c)3 charitable organization, funded in part by the State of Washington, federal contracts, the United Way across Central Washington, fees for service, grants, and charitable contributions. Although rooted in a Catholic tradition that shapes its core mission of service to all, at times as many as 85% of the agency’s staff is non-Catholic. Similarly, the vast majority of those being served are not Catholic. With nearly 32 service locations and almost 48,000 people served annually, the agency remains a testimony to its ongoing mission of “Bringing Hope to Life.”