Physical Therapy offered at Therapeutic Associates - Wandermere
Physical Therapy offered at Therapeutic Associates - Wandermere
Provides rehabilitation services including evidence-based manual therapy, functional exercise, and a comprehensive, individualized approach to care. Offers payment options for individuals who do not have health insurance coverage, have exhausted their insurance benefits, or who choose to not use their health insurance.
Physical Address
403 West Hastings Road, Spokane, WA 99218
M-F, 7am-7pm
Application process
Call or request appointment online.
Accepts most health insurances, Medicare, Medicaid programs, and has payment options for individuals who do not have health insurance coverage, have exhausted their insurance benefits, or who choose to not use their health insurance.
No doctor's referral needed.
Agency info
Therapeutic Associates
Provides rehabilitation services including evidence-based manual therapy, functional exercise, and a comprehensive, individualized approach to care. Offers payment options for individuals who do not have health insurance coverage, have exhausted their insurance benefits, or who choose to not use their health insurance.