Toddler Time offered at Greater Maple Valley Community Center
Toddler Time offered at Greater Maple Valley Community Center
Coordinates informal, drop-in play groups for parents/caregivers with their children, ages birth to 5, to provide support and social interaction at an indoor/outdoor playground. Children enjoy the small and large toys, bikes, art and music. A resource table offers information and community activities for children, families and parents. Snacks and juice are provided.
Physical Address
22010 Southeast 248th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038
Sept-May: Tu Th, 10-11:30am . Summer: Tu, 10-11:30am.
Application process
Drop-in program. Call for more information.
$3 per family.
Parents/caregivers and their children, ages birth to 5, in the greater Maple Valley area.
Agency info
Greater Maple Valley Community Center
Coordinates a variety of activities for children, youth, families and older adults. Operates a teen drop-in center as well as a senior center, which provides a congregate hot meal program for older adults.