
Critical Financial Assistance offered by Operation Homefront's Pacific Northwest Office

Critical Financial Assistance offered by Operation Homefront's Pacific Northwest Office

Provides critical financial assistance for military families. Examples of financial assistance include: -  Car repair -  Essential home items -  Rent or mortgage -  Utilities -  Dental   -  Food   -  Moving -  Emergency travel & transportation   -  Eyeglasses   Must be able to show that financial resources are insufficient to meet current expenses, and that those expenses are already due or past due.   Can provide only emergency food assistance and eyeglasses to individuals in the general eligibility group.

Physical Address

3702 West Valley Highway North, Auburn, WA 98001


M-F, 9am-2pm, CST. Applications accepted all month.

Application process

To apply, fill out form on website.   Accepts applications all month.  




Helps service members in the following categories: Wounded, Ill, or Injured: - Actively served in the United States military post-9/11, AND -  Experienced a post-9/11 wound, illness, or injury in the line of duty Deployed: A service member of rank E1-E6 and one of the following: -  Currently deployed to an overseas location and receiving Hostile Fire Pay -  Assigned to a ship that has been at sea for 30+ days and is en route to theater, forward deployed, or otherwise on a mission status - Not a training status -  On unaccompanied, overseas PCS orders and receiving Hostile Fire Pay, OR - A National Guard member or Reservist on Title 10 orders (not Title 32) who either: -  Will deploy to an overseas Hostile Fire Pay theater in the next 90 days, or -  Has returned from an overseas Hostile Fire Pay theater within the past 180 days.   General: -  An active duty service member of rank E1-E6 with DEERS-eligible dependents For non-housing repair requests: veteran must be within 10 years of discharge.

Service area


Agency info

Operation Homefront

Provides financial assistance, food assistance, wounded warrior transition assistance and an online community for military families of deployed service members. Also offers assistance such as backpacks for back to school, holiday toys, freedom walks and respite for care givers.