
Congregate Meals offered at Camano Senior and Community Center

Congregate Meals offered at Camano Senior and Community Center

Meals are fully prepared on-site, and the lunch menu is approved by a registered dietitian. Reservations are not required except for the once-monthly theme lunches. Menus are available at the Center and at www.camanocenter.org, and the theme lunch dates are shown on the menus. All are welcome! Please be seated by 11:45am.

Physical Address

606 Arrowhead Rd, Camano Island, WA 98282


M-F, 9am-4pm.

Application process

Call for information. Menus available online.


Suggested donation for lunch at the Center is $4 for those age sixty or over, and $6 for all others.


Anyone can come to the lunches at the Center.

Service area

Island, WA

Agency info

Camano Center

A non-profit agency providing information and assistance, transportation to medical appointments, tri-weekly lunches, Meals-On-Wheels, Ensure, daily well-check phone calls, an Adult Day Program, a Memory Loss Support Group, loans of medical equipment, foot clinic, prescription and grocery delivery, blood pressure checks, monthly shopping transportation, a Vulnerable Seniors and Special Needs Registry, an In-Home Care Registry, opportunities for socialization, and much more to Camano Island seniors. Also organizes day trips and many events open to the public (fees may apply).