Adult and Senior Programs offered at Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Adult and Senior Programs offered at Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Offers a variety of classes including: - Multiple fitness classes - EnhanceFitness covered by Silver & Fit - BalanceFitness for Seniors to prevent trips and falls, free with prescription - Zumba - Yoga - Tai-Chi - Pilates - Ballroom and Contemporary Dance - Computers - Budgeting - Current events - Art History - Pottery - Painting - Ping pong - Tae Kwon Do, all ages.
Physical Address
14700 6th Avenue Southwest, Burien, WA 98166
Doors Unlocked: M-F, 10:30am-1pm, M-Th, 4 -7pm. Phone: M-Th, 10:30am-7pm F, 10:30am5pm.
Application process
Check our digital recreation guide Call for information. Pre-registration is required for most classes. We also offer drop in Fit Passes
Varies with activity. A $10 Shape-up Discount is available for your first time to a class, or first time taking that class in the past three months. Scholarships available for Seniors and Burien Residents. Some Senior Fitness Classes Covered by Insurance, or by doctor prescription.
Age 50+ for Senior Fitness Programs.
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Maintains quality recreation facilities and services, and facilitates leisure opportunities for all citizens. The City of Burien has 28 park sites, a Community Center and the Moshier Art Center.