
Physical Therapy offered at Astria Health Center in Sunnyside

Physical Therapy offered at Astria Health Center in Sunnyside

Offers a variety of therapy services including physical therapy, speech therapy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation.

Physical Address

326 South 9th Street, Sunnyside, WA 98944


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Call to schedule an appointment.


Call for payment options.


No restrictions.



Agency info

Astria Health Center

A 25-bed hospital that also operates a series of primary care clinics and provider-based specialty clinics. Includes a 24-hour emergency room, intensive care unit, level 2 cardiac facility, cancer center, family birth center, nephrology, inpatient surgical services and an ambulatory surgery center, wound care; including hyperbaric, behavioral health services with an intensive outpatient program, which is a comprehensive psychiatric program for older adults, and hearing speech services.