Kinship Care Solutions Project offered at King County Bar Association
Kinship Care Solutions Project offered at King County Bar Association
Provides legal services to relatives and other caregivers to obtain minor guardianship of children whose parents cannot or do not want to care for them. The program provides direct representation through referrals to a pro bono panel of attorneys and/or provides guidance and advice for clients who are unrepresented. The client does not need to be a relative but must have a significant relationship with the child. The child must currently be living with the applicant.
Physical Address
Voicemail only.
Application process
Online intake at If Applicant does not have computer access, you may call 206-267-7086 to leave a message to be called back for an interview. Message will prompt callers to leave their name (with spelling) and date of birth, as well as the names of the parents (with spelling), the parents' dates of birth, and a safe phone number where they can be reached.
King County residents or anyone who has a guardianship, dependency, or custody case in King County Superior Court. Income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. The following factors are used when considering referrals: - Length of time child has resided with the potential client - Risk to child if returned to parents - Difficulty of the client in making the case on their own. Cannot help with the following: - Dependency cases where children are in foster care, unless parents or court agree to custody with the caregiver - Adoption cases - Cases where CPS has removed a child from the caller's care, whether or not the caller is a relative - Does not represent parents in guardianship or custody cases.
American Sign Language
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
King County Bar Association
KCBA Pro Bono Services provides free legal services to eligible clients with various civil legal issues. Free limited legal advice is available through volunteers with our Neighborhood Legal Clinics. Other programs focus on specific legal issues including tenant representation with evictions (Housing Justice Project), vacating criminal records (Records Project), kinship care/minor guardianships (LAARK and Kinship Care Solutions), uncontested family law (Self Help Plus), and domestic violence/family law (DV LEAD).