Hospice Services offered by EvergreenHealth's at Gene & Irene Wockner Hospice Center
Hospice Services offered by EvergreenHealth's at Gene & Irene Wockner Hospice Center
Delivers hospice services in homes, nursing homes, adult family homes, assisted living facilities, the Hospice Center and contracted hospitals. Services include intermittent nursing care, 24-hour on-call support services, social services, hospice aides, trained volunteers, spiritual counseling and bereavement services. Acute inpatient hospice care is available at the Evergreen Hospice Center and several contracted hospitals. Respite care is available for caregivers at contracted nursing homes.
Physical Address
12822 124th Lane Northeast, Kirkland, WA 98034
Intake: Daily, 8am-5pm. Some services are on call 24 hours daily.
Application process
Call for information.
Vary according to services. Medicare, WA Apple Health (Medicaid) and private insurance are accepted.
Residents of King or Snohomish counties who have a terminal illness and life expectancy of months rather than years.
Interpreter services
Service area
King, WA Snohomish, WA
Agency info
EvergreenHealth's Gene & Irene Wockner Hospice Center
Delivers hospice services in homes, adult family homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and contracted hospitals. Respite care is available for caregivers at contracted nursing homes.