Geriatric Transitions offered by Sunrise Services in Mount Vernon
Geriatric Transitions offered by Sunrise Services in Mount Vernon
Helps adults with challenging behaviors transition from a hospital to a long term care facility. Team supports successful community placements and aims to prevent hospital readmission. Geriatric Consultants work with adults to create a plan based on a detailed assessment that helps both the individual and the facility.
Physical Address
1115 Riverside Drive, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
M-F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
WA Apple Health (Medicaid).
Adults with serious mental illness, dementia, mood disorder or other neurological disorders. Eligible adults also have challenging behaviors which are a barrier to hospital discharge OR their long term care facility placement is at risk due to challenging behaviors.
Agency info
Sunrise Services, Inc.
Sunrise Services provides experience in supporting people with all forms of physical, mental and developmental disabilities and seniors. They offer a wide range of customizable residential and in-home services for the elderly and adults with disabilities, as well as supported employment opportunities and other programs, including: caregiver training, community behavioral health services, vocational assistance/job placement.