Code Enforcement offered at City of Woodinville
Code Enforcement offered at City of Woodinville
Investigates potential or actual violations of city, public health and other applicable regulations. The most common violations investigated include: - Building/construction without a valid permit - Tree removal that exceeds permissible limits and without a valid permit - Clearing/construction within designated sensitive areas such as wetlands and native growth protection area - Junk/abandoned vehicles - Sign code violations - Nuisance complaints such as outdoor storage of junk and noise.
Physical Address
17301 133rd Avenue Northeast, Woodinville, WA 98072
M-Th, 7:30am-5pm F, 7:30am-4pm.
Application process
An investigation will be started upon receipt of a formal complaint. Forms can be found at City Hall or online.
Potential or actual violations occurring within Woodinville city limits.
Agency info
City of Woodinville
Provides city government services to residents.