
Employment - Assessment/Case Management/DD offered at Chinook Enterprises

Employment - Assessment/Case Management/DD offered at Chinook Enterprises

Designed for individuals with developmental disabilities.  Personal vocational assessment and in-depth individualized development.  On-site job coach training to meet employer expectations.

Physical Address

2026 North Laventure Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98273


M-F, 8am-4pm.

Application process

Access through DSHS, Div of DD or Vocational Rehabilitation.




For residents of Skagit County who are developmentally disabled.

Service area

Skagit, WA

Agency info

Chinook Enterprises

Provides a variety of training and employment services for individuals with physical, emotional, learning or developmental disabilities.  Chinook Enterprises also locates jobs in the community and offers employers the following services:  Needs assessment; personnel screening; training support; and follow-up.  Workers with disabilities are then matched to the employer's needs.