211Info Resource Department offered at 211Info
211Info Resource Department offered at 211Info
Maintains and updates an informational database which provides comprehensive information and referral of social services to community members. The 211info Resource Department can be contacted if you are a provider that is already listed in the database to make changes or updates to your agency information or if you are a provider that would like to be listed in the database. If you are a child care provider, 211info utilizes the Find Child Care Oregon statewide database for referrals. Updates to that system can be made through your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency.
Physical Address
M-Sa, 8am-6pm Su 10am-6pm.
Application process
Call, email, or visit website. Voicemail option after-hours or if specialists are unavailable. To contact the Find Child Care Oregon database, contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) for updates.
Providers who offer programs that meet 211Info's Inclusion Policy.
Interpreter services
Agency info
Clearinghouse for information and referral services in Oregon, as well as Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum Counties in Washington. Operates the regional comprehensive 2-1-1 service and several specialty lines. Provides an online community resource directory.