
Civil Rights Legal Clinic offered by King County Bar Association Neighborhood Legal Clinics at United States Courthouse

Civil Rights Legal Clinic offered by King County Bar Association Neighborhood Legal Clinics at United States Courthouse

Provides a free 30 minute consultation with an attorney on civil rights issues. *Most appointments via telephone. Legal Clinic Schedulers will provide clients with more information during the intake process* Prioritizes clients with issues such as -  Inmates receiving inadequate medical care or inadequate counsel as well as other inadequate conditions of confinement -  Employment discrimination   -  Sexual harassment -  Cases involving police misconduct   Also advises individuals on issues such as   -  Americans with Disabilities Act -  Discrimination based on any protected class -  Discrimination related to race or gender -  Prisoner rights and/or prison mistreatment -  Excessive force -  Search and seizure -  Free speech   -  Voting rights -  Gun rights -  Title II Housing -  Unlawful sentence -  Ineffective assistance of counsel  (In a criminal case ONLY- where an attorney's mistakes were the reason you lost your case) -  Existing cases in federal court   Clinic attorneys can do the following: -  Determine whether the client has a legal problem -  Suggest possible options -  Help answer papers, summons and requests -  Provide appropriate referrals Clinic attorneys have expertise in civil rights law. Attorneys CANNOT give advice on criminal legal issues or provide representation on any legal matters.


700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA 98101


Visit website or leave a voicemail 24 hours daily. Clinic: 1st 4 Th of the month, noon-2pm.

Application process

Visit website for online intake form. Those without internet access may call and press option 1 to leave a message with their name, phone number, and a brief description of their legal issue. If an interpreter is needed, please state which language. Legal Clinic Scheduler will call client to complete the intake screening process. Legal Clinic phone numbers may appear as “private” on client’s caller ID. Clients will email/bring any pertinent documents to the appointment. Have in mind several questions to ask the attorney.


Individuals needing assistance on civil rights issues. Serves King County residents or those who have a case filed in King County. Can potentially serve clients from other counties when the client has no alternative.




Interpreter services

Agency info

King County Bar Association Neighborhood Legal Clinics

Coordinates approximately 37 free legal clinics across King County. Clinics assist with family law, domestic violence, elder law, immigration, debt and bankruptcy, civil rights, and LGBTQ legal issues, as well as general civil legal matters.