
Legal Assistance for Eligible Nonprofits and Small Businesses offered at Communities Rise

Legal Assistance for Eligible Nonprofits and Small Businesses offered at Communities Rise

Promotes community development and organizational capacity-building in Washington state by helping low-income small business owners obtain free legal assistance on business-related matters such as: - Incorporation and application for tax exemption status under IRS Code sec. 501(c)(3). - Nonprofit Governance – Preparing and revising bylaws; creating articles of incorporation; creating conflict of interest policies; creating whistleblower policies, and creating other corporate documents and policies; and advising on good corporate governance. Maintenance and Compliance – Advice on maintaining 501(c)(3) status, including unrelated business income and compliance with lobbying restrictions. - Taxes – Advice regarding federal, state, and local taxes. - Contracts – Drafting and advising on business contracts. - Employment – Preparing, reviewing and revising personnel policies, employment contracts, and confidentiality agreements. - Real Estate – Help with property leases and purchase and sale agreements. - Intellectual Property – Assistance with registering trademarks, and advising on copyright protection, license agreements, or website-related agreements. However, we do not provide assistance on patent matters. - Risk and Liability Assessment – Assistance with risk and liability assessment including waiver and release forms, and general advice on insurance coverage. - Federal Tax-Exempt Status – Assistance applying for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Does Not help with: - Litigation Matters – Does not provide assistance on litigation matters or with hearings. - Conflicts/Embezzlement – Does not assist with situations of conflict between board members/staff, or embezzlement. - Individual Claims against Nonprofits – Does not provide assistance to individuals with their pursuit of claims against nonprofit and community organizations. - Ongoing Legal Assistance – Unable to help find an attorney to serve on a nonprofit’s board, or have an attorney be on-call or serve as General Counsel. - Legal Advice Over the Phone – Does not provide legal advice over the phone. Service is not a “hotline” service. Only provides legal assistance upon receiving a written application. However, can answer questions about the application process over the phone or email.


Office Hours: M - F 9am - 5pm

Application process

Visit website or email.


Please see our website for our eligibility information for both nonprofits and small businesses.


We have one time nonrefundable fees for our nonprofit and small business applications.



Agency info

Communities Rise

Promotes community development and organizational capacity-building in Washington state by helping charitable and community-based non-profit corporations and low-income microentrepreneurs to obtain free legal assistance on business-related matters. Targets capacity building services to communities that historically have had least access to resources, services, and opportunities. This includes communities of color and refugee, immigrant, low income, and other communities that are impacted by institutional racism, marginalized and burdened by significant economic, education, health, and social disparities. Supports and fosters the development of small and midsize nonprofits and fosters the professional growth of organization and community leaders. Also works with the broader nonprofit sector as well as public and private institutions to deepen their knowledge, improve their cultural competency, change their approaches, and strengthen their relationship with communities.