
End of Life Care offered at Whatcom Hospice

End of Life Care offered at Whatcom Hospice

Whatcom Hospice offers medical, psycho-social, spiritual, and personal care to people and their families who are facing a life threatening illness. Hospice nurses, social workers, home health aides, chaplains, and volunteers provide in home services and support as needed.

Physical Address

2800 Douglas Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225


M-F, 8:30am-5pm.

Application process

Call or visit website.


Services are reimbursable by medicare, medicaid, and private insurance benefits. The Whatcom Hospice Foundation covers the costs for services to people who have no hospice benefits.


Whatcom resident in terminal phase of illness.

Service area

Whatcom, WA

Agency info

Whatcom Hospice

Provides services for patients with a life limiting illness of six months or less, and their families. Services address medical, emotional, respite, and spiritual concerns.