
Computer and Job Skills offered at Tacoma Public Library - Main

Computer and Job Skills offered at Tacoma Public Library - Main

Offers a variety of services and tools for job seekers. Includes: - free classes with career coaches, - dedicated computers with free access to job-related software, - GED preparation materials and practice tests, - practice placement and entrance exams, - interactive online practice tests including certification, licensing and civil service test. Provides the latest books on career choices, job hunting, writing effective resumes and cover letter, and interview tips. Provides information on colleges, technical schools, scholarships and financial aid. Hosts free computer classes and WIFI. Check with the local branch or visit the website for more information.


1102 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98402


Website: 24 hours daily Branch Hours: Tu W, Noon-8pm Th-Sa, 10am-6pm

Application process

Check with the local branch or visit the website for more information.


Those with a library card.


No cost.

Agency info

Tacoma Public Library

Offers materials for all ages: books, magazines, newspapers, CD's, videos, and cassettes. Also provides specialized reference services, public access Computer Lab, audio and videos, and cassettes. Also provides specialized reference services, public access computer Lab, audio and video listening and viewing stations, a large local and Northwest History collection and Handforth Gallery, all located at the Main Library.