Self-Advocates Developing Leaders SADL offered at The Arc of Tri-Cities
Self-Advocates Developing Leaders SADL offered at The Arc of Tri-Cities
Provides a self-advocacy organization of, for, and by adults with developmental disabilities. Activities include legislative connections and an Advocacy Day in Olympia. Limited transportation is available with RSVP at least 3 days in advance.
Physical Address
1455 Fowler Street, Richland, WA 99352
M-F, 8am-4pm.
Application process
Call to confirm meeting time. Must provide/arrange own transportation
Call for details.
For and by people with developmental disabilities. Volunteer (Advisor) opportunities are available.
Agency info
Arc of Tri-Cities
Assists people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities obtain their rights and resources required to become, to the fullest extent possible, independent, self-sufficient, and contributing members of society.