Pioneers offered at Mountaineers
Pioneers offered at Mountaineers
Provides an opportunity for 8-9 year old youth to get outside once a month. Exposes youth to a variety of outdoor activities, such as climbing, hiking, paddling, exploring, and learning how to be safe and have fun in the outdoors. Parents are invited to join all of the outings and explore with your child.
Physical Address
7700 Sand Point Way Northeast, Seattle, WA 98115
W, 5-9pm Sa Su 6am-10pm.
Application process
Visit website or email with questions.
Annual Program Fee: $500. Financial assistance is available.
Youth ages 8-9 and their families.
Agency info
Enriches lives and communities by helping people explore, conserve, learn about and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The Mountaineers is an outdoor education nonprofit of 10,000+ active members offering you ways to get outside and get connected to a community passionate about the outdoors. Formed in 1906, we've been getting people of all ages outside safely and responsibly for over 100 years. We work to preserve the wild back country where we play for many generations to come.