
Charitable Organization Registration offered by Washington State Office of the Secretary of State at Public Information Office

Charitable Organization Registration offered by Washington State Office of the Secretary of State at Public Information Office

Maintains a registry of individuals, organizations, and commercial fundraisers that solicit charitable contributions from the general public. Most entities that solicit or receive contributions are required to register under the Charitable Solicitations Act. Additionally, coordinates with the Attorney General's office regarding unregistered organizations and provides copies of registration documents to Attorney General's office for use in enforcement actions. Provides general information to the public about charitable organizations, commercial fundraisers and charitable trusts. Provides information such as   -  Total dollar value of support received by the organization -  Total dollar amount applied to charitable purposes -  Fundraising costs and other expenses -  Total revenue of the preceding fiscal year These documents must be renewed annually for each charitable organization in the state and are available for public inspection.

Physical Address

416 Sid Snyder Avenue Southwest, Olympia, WA 98504


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Contact office via telephone, e-mail, fax or mail for appropriate forms and information regarding the registration process. Some forms are available electronically. Contact the office with questions concerning specific charitable organizations.


Applicants must submit appropriate registration form(s) and fee(s) to become eligible to solicit in Washington state unless otherwise exempted from registration requirements. Registration fees vary.


While most charities must register, there are some activities exempt from the state registration requirements. In Washington State, any organization that is one of the following is not required to register: - Charitable organizations raising less than $50,000 from the public, in any accounting year when all the activities, including fundraising, are carried out by persons who are unpaid for their services; or - Entitled to receive tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service as a church; or - Political Organizations - Fundraising to benefit specific individual, but only if all proceeds is given to that individual. Organizations exempt from registration requirements are encouraged to file an "Optional Registration” with the Charities Program. The Optional Registration allows the Office of the Secretary of State to respond to customer inquiries.

Agency info

Washington State Office of the Secretary of State

Supervises state and local elections, certifying election results. Registers and licenses corporations and trademarks, registering those involved in charitable solicitations. Administers the state's address confidentiality program for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Collects and preserves the historical records. Regulates the use of the State Seal and other legal responsibilities.