Site Based Mentoring Program offered at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington - Olympia Office
Site Based Mentoring Program offered at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington - Olympia Office
Children are mentored one-on-one in a structured, supervised setting. Various locations in Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Grays Harbor, and Pacific Counties. Mentors may be high school students or adults in this program. Matches meet only at one specific location (such as elementary school, community center) one hour each week for a year.
Physical Address
2424 Heritage Ct SW, Olympia, WA 98502
M-F, 9am-5pm after hours by appointment only
Application process
Contact agency or be referred through a school.
Children, ages 5-13 years old.
Agency info
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington
Changing Lives for the Better: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington is committed to igniting the potential of youth in our community. We pair a volunteer mentor one to one with a child and we call this a “match”. Once matched, mentors, or “Bigs,” develop friendships with their youth, “Littles.” It’s that simple. We have many programs in which one-to-one mentoring can make a positive impact! We serve families and mentors in Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor, and Pacific counties in Washington state