Intervention Assistance offered at Olalla Recovery Centers - Gig Harbor Counseling
Intervention Assistance offered at Olalla Recovery Centers - Gig Harbor Counseling
Interventions are approaches to help individuals with substance use disorder recognize the consequences of their use while becoming willing to accept treatment and enter successful recovery. Staff works with the family to help them understand addiction and how treatment for the addiction might be helpful for the patient involved. They will provide information and assistance on how to intervene on the disease of addiction. We will help the patient access treatment if they are ready to engage in such services.
Physical Address
5122 Olympic Drive, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
M-F, 9am-8pm.
Application process
If you think you or a loved one may need intervention services or want more information, please call the Gig Harbor Counseling or the Olalla Guest Lodge site.
Accepts most insurance plans and private pay.
No restrictions.
Agency info
Olalla Recovery Centers
Offers the following high-quality, yet affordable, substance use disorder treatment programs: In Gig Harbor, we offer intensive outpatient, outpatient, assessments (including DUI assessments), alcohol and drug information school, support groups and relapse prevention. Serves adults and adolescents. In Olalla, we have an intensive inpatient program designed to treat those with substance use disorder and their families; services include education about addiction, social skills, holistic services, wellness-oriented life-style education, some Native American traditions, and individual counseling and group therapy. Both inpatient and outpatient programs offer individualized treatment, are trauma-informed, utilize evidence-based practices & approaches, are CARF and ASAM certified, and we accept patients on opiate substitution program such as Suboxone and Vivitrol. We accept all insurance plans and offer in-house financing.