Financial Assistance offered by CancerCare
Financial Assistance offered by CancerCare
Disburses limited financial assistance for women with cancer for home care, child care, transportation and pain medication. Funded by the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation.
Physical Address
275 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10001
M-Th, 10am-6pm F, 10am-5pm, EST.
Application process
Call to complete a brief interview. If eligible to apply, patient will be sent an application to be completed by the patient and the patient's medical oncology health care provider
Must have a diagnosis of cancer confirmed by an oncology health care provider. Must be in active cancer treatment. Some financial assistance programs are diagnosis specific and have income guidelines.
Service area
Agency info
Provides free, professional support services including counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications and financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer. Services are provided by master's-prepared oncology social workers and cancer experts.